Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Should recycling be mandatory?


  1. AnonymousMay 06, 2009

    yes it should be

  2. AnonymousMay 13, 2009

    Recycling needs to be mandatory! In many countries a business and house hold have three or four bins. The largest is the compost and garden trimmings; it is usually green in colour. The next is recycling, for glass, paper, and plastic, it is generally blue in colour. We may need to separate these items down further. The last and smallest bin is black for any remaining items and garbage. Each business and household is given a grace period of 3 to 6 months to master the recycling program, after that you are fined if you do not follow the required steps. I know from experience it is very easy and doesn’t take that long to get down. The compost and trimmings can be collected, broke down and sold as mulch. Glass bottles could be crushed and used for concrete production, sold to the companies. It is sad we had to be “shamed into pride.” We all must work together to fix this and those people who have lived in other countries are an amazing resource to fix this problem. Our islands have limited land and we must act before we destroy our environment. It is important to note, just moving it out of sight (East End) is not the answer! We MUST recycle and reuse whenever possible. I pose a challenge to anyone who reads this… For one week just separate your plastic and glass bottles into another bag or can. You will be amazed how much you have after seven days. Restaurants need a system to collect and recycle all the liquor, beer, and wine bottles. This may be the best place to start. We must act now as a community and at a grassroots level; government can not and should not do everything. Recycle, Reuse, And Reduce!!!

  3. AnonymousMay 14, 2009

    Yes it should be. Garbage should be sorted like it is in the States. One container for plastics, one for paper, one for glass...etc....If we don't start making this change, our beautiful country is going to never be able to recover. There is far to much garbage.

  4. I agree with Anonymous May 13. Cayman should be ashamed. As one of the wealthiest nations in the Caribbean they should be leading the pack. Instead they have focused on other things. Yes, recycling should be mandatory and should be enforced as soon as possible.

  5. recycling should be mandatory

  6. honesly we won't have a choice if we continue to fill our landfills. but yes recycling should be mandatory.

  7. recycling should be mandatory because we need to save trees, therefore we help the enviroment. (:

  8. recycling is awesome!!!!!!!! it should be mandatory everywhere and evryplace on this earth! :D
