Friday, May 29, 2009

MLA Appointed to handle Mt. Trashmore

The new Govt. has announced that MLA Mr. Cline Glidden will be given the responsibility to handle Mt. Trashmore. I am anxiously waiting to see what transpires. I wish him all the best and hopefully his young mind will find the resolution to this mountain of mess in our country that is now more like a sore on our behind versus in our eye.


  1. AnonymousMay 29, 2009

    Kerry, this is what happens when you take a camera and make use of it the way you did. Well done my lady, you started the ball rolling.

    Thanks, James

  2. AnonymousMay 29, 2009

    it is about time

  3. AnonymousMay 29, 2009

    You have a way with words, may want to consider using different words so not to offend anyone. I hope a little critic as this does not offend you.

  4. I have emailed Mr Glidden and have yet to get any kind of update from him or anyone representing him on the situation over at Mt. Thrashmore.

    We can't be kept in the dark forever on this subject it is a growing problem and so far it's almost as if something is brewing but nothing is being said.

    Does anyone else out there know anything about what the Govt. is doing about the garbage dump? Please state it here. Thank you.
