Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Scrap Metal in LIMBO........really now!?

http:// With all the Lawyers on the Govt's payroll one would have thought that by now they would have formulated a contract and the DEH would have assigned this project to someone or a conglomerate of businesses/persons by now to handle this scrap metal mess that's been lingering for some 30+years!!! What is the hold up??? The one important factor is we have to ensure that the contract this time (as we all know what happened to the country's money with the last contract with Matrix), is clearly worded and executed wisely and appropriately. How difficult is it to do this?? I just don't grab the concept of what our Govt. follows including the delays, upon delays, while the sore festers and grows and becomes a bigger sore because someone somewhere is waiting on someone to do something!!!! Get this country on track please and if those employed and on salary can't do it then fire them and hire those who can and will!!. Yes it's that simple, so stop making it more difficult and rid this country of the growing by the day mountain of scarp metal degrading our beautiful islands.

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